Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer Christmas Town Village Collection
$69.99 For over three decades the television classic Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer has captured our hearts. Now, relive those cherished memories when Rudolph’s Christmas Town village collection comes alive right in your own home, starting with Issue One featuring Santa & Mrs. Claus’ Castle and FREE Rudolph & Clarice figurine. Before long you’ll be lining up for training at Issue Two, Coach Comet’s Flight Camp, which includes a FREE Santa and Mrs. Claus figurine. Additional village buildings, each a separate issue and some with select free figurines and accessories, will follow. All the handcrafted and hand-painted Rudolph Christmas Town village buildings light up, casting a warm holiday glow on your beloved friends, Rudolph and Clarice, Santa and Mrs. Claus, the lovable Hermey, Bumble and more! This magical village collection is an exclusive collectible first from the Bradford Exchange, Hawthorne Village Division and a great value you don’t want to miss, so hurry! Strong demand is expected – order now!
#Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer&rRudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer&rRudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer&r
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