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Power Of The West Turquoise Cabochon Thunderbird Men’s Ring

Bradford Exchange Deal

Power Of The West Turquoise Cabochon Thunderbird Men’s Ring

$169.99 Honor the rich history of American Western cultures with a stunning men’s ring inspired by a legendary Native American icon, the thunderbird. Considered a supernatural bird of great power and strength, the thunderbird’s name comes from the belief that the beating of its enormous wings causes thunder and stirs the wind. Now the Power of the West Ring unleashes the wild spirit of the Thunderbird, showcased in a dramatic fine jewelry exclusive from The Bradford Exchange.This striking ring is individually handcrafted in solid sterling silver enhanced with 18K-gold plating. At its center it features an impressive hand-set genuine turquoise cabochon, while the sides of the ring depict a thunderbird with a genuine turquoise inlay, highlighted by decorative motifs and borders inspired by traditional Native American designs. The words, “HONORING THE AMERICAN WEST” are boldly engraved inside the ring’s band, adding the perfect finishing touch. Your ring even arrives in a custom presentation case. It’s the perfect addition to your wardrobe of American Western style jewelry or an outstanding gift for someone special, but very strong demand is expected for this distinctive Power Of The West Ring, so don’t wait. Order now!

#Power Of The West Turquoise CaboPower Of The West Turquoise CaboPower Of The West Turquoise Cabo

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