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Pittsburgh Steelers Shot Glasses With Colorful Finishes

Bradford Exchange Deal

Pittsburgh Steelers Shot Glasses With Colorful Finishes

$39.99 Pittsburgh Steelers Custom-Designed NFL Shot Glass Collection Featuring Team Logos & Colors – When it’s time to toast Pittsburgh football, it’s time to bring out the very best. Introducing the Pittsburgh Steelers Shot Glass Collection in a limited edition, available only from The Bradford Exchange. You will win the admiration of friends and family on game day and any day. Officially licensed by the NFL Properties LLC, this fine collection arrives in sets of two Pittsburgh Steelers shot glasses, beginning with Issue One, Winning Spirit. Soon your collection will continue with Issue Two, another set of two glasses. Additional sets of two Pittsburgh Steelers shot glasses, each set a separate issue, will follow.?Each set of NFL collectible shot glasses in your collection is expertly custom-designed and crafted of high-quality genuine glass, highlighted with silvery and golden luster finishes. Boasting official team colors and logos, each distinctive glass features its own unique design for an eye-catching Pittsburgh football lineup. Strong demand is anticipated, so don’t miss out on the chance to show your love for Pittsburgh football. Order now!

#Pittsburgh Steelers Custom-DesigPittsburgh Steelers Custom-DesigPittsburgh Steelers Custom-Desig

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