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Kayomi Harai Illuminated Holiday Water Globe Sculptures

Bradford Exchange Deal

Kayomi Harai Illuminated Holiday Water Globe Sculptures

$39.99 Kayomi Harai Holiday Water Globe Collection Featuring Illuminated Hand-Painted Kitten Water Globe Sculptures Representing Every Season Of The Year – Whether they’re ready to pounce on Halloween lights or “egg-cited” for the festivities of Easter, kittens bring their special brand of endearing mischief to each season. Now their adorable antics are captured in a limited-edition collection of holiday water globes inspired by the beloved imagery of famed artist Kayomi Harai. Enjoy each holiday season with furry feline friends, complements of the Kayomi Harai Holiday Water Globe Collection, a first-ever exclusively from The Bradford Exchange. This festive collection of holiday-themed snowglobes begins with Issue One, Happy Meow-loween. Next to arrive will be Issue Two, Eggciting Easter. Soon your collection will continue with Issue Three, Meowy Christmas, and additional Kayomi Harai cat-themed water globes, each a separate issue to follow.‡Each of the unique kitten sculptures in your collection is expertly handcrafted and painted by hand to recreate Ms. Harai’s artwork, both on the inside and outside of the crystal-clear water globes. A gentle shake is all it takes to send holiday-inspired glitter (like “bats” for Halloween and “snowflakes” for Christmas) swirling around inside. And for added charm, there are lights hidden inside of each holiday water globe that light up each scene of kitten chaos with the flip of a switch. You can even control when the lights go on and off with convenient 24-hour timers. Strong demand is expected for this charming collection and it’s the purr-fect way to elevate your cat decor with each new holiday. Hurry and order now!

#Kayomi Harai Holiday Water GlobeKayomi Harai Holiday Water GlobeKayomi Harai Holiday Water Globe

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