John Wayne: Straight Shooter Replica Pistol Wall Decor Art Collection
$49.99 Over the span of more than 50 years in Hollywood, John Wayne defined the role of the tough-talking, honorable hero. Now, you can own a first-of-its-kind incredible John Wayne commemorative – a collectible classic Western replica pistol collection inspired by the holstered revolvers carried by Duke in his movie roles. Your collection begins with Issue One, The Duke. Your wall decor art collection continues with Issue Two and additional John Wayne replica pistols, each a separate issue to follow.‡Take hold of frontier justice John Wayne style with this limited-edition classic Western replica pistol collection, only from The Bradford Exchange. Each replica pistol in this collection features sculpted holsters with full-color Duke portraits. Simulated ivory gun handles bear more thrilling Duke imagery. A sheriff’s badge medallion and real leather straps complete the replica pistols’ bold look. Strong demand is expected, and you won’t want to miss out. Order now!
#John Wayne: Straight Shooter RepJohn Wayne: Straight Shooter RepJohn Wayne: Straight Shooter Rep
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