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Ashton-Drake So Truly Real Baby Doll “Holds” Your Hand

Bradford Exchange Deal

Ashton-Drake So Truly Real Baby Doll “Holds” Your Hand

$149.95 So Truly Real “Olivia’s Gentle Touch” Lifelike Baby Girl Doll By Linda Murray – Few memories are as precious as the first time your baby responds to you by wrapping her tiny hand around your finger. Now this lifelike baby doll lets you recapture that tender moment whenever you wish! Olivia’s Gentle Touch introduces you to a baby doll so real that she responds to your touch by curling her little fingers around your finger in an amazingly realistic way. This precious little girl is the first-ever So Truly Real interactive baby doll by acclaimed artist Linda Murray, and a landmark of realism in the doll world.Olivia’s Gentle Touch is an Ashton-Drake Galleries exclusive, lovingly handcrafted to look amazingly real in the tradition of So Truly Real baby dolls. Her baby-soft RealTouch vinyl skin is hand-painted, her soft cloth body is poseable and perfect for cuddling, and her hand-rooted hair is carefully applied by hand. Baby Olivia has a soft baby powder scent and comes to you wearing a finely knit outfit with delicate contrast stitching on the bodice, floral rosettes with “pearl” bead accents, and a matching floral headband. This first-ever, endearingly interactive Linda Murray baby doll will touch so many hearts with her realism that demand is likely to be high. So don’t wait – order now!

#So Truly Real “Olivia’s Gentle TSo Truly Real “Olivia’s Gentle TSo Truly Real “Olivia’s Gentle T

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